Monday 25 February 2019

Lifestyle | How I'm Changing my Life Before I'm 30

Lifestyle | How I'm Changing my Life Before I'm 30 - Rachel Emily Blog

2021 is the year that I'll turn the big 3-0.

Now I may be a little ahead of myself here as it's only 2019, and I've only just turned 28 today, but time flies when you're having fun and I intend to have as much fun as possible, where possible.
With that in mind, and generally for my own sanity and wellbeing, these are the mantra's and things i'm going to try and embrace in my daily life.

Lifestyle | How I'm Changing my Life Before I'm 30 - Rachel Emily Blog

Stop Comparing myself

"The only person you should try to be better than is who you were yesterday" 

This is so much easier said than done but I need to realise that everyone is at a different chapter of their book and it's not a like-for-like comparison. I've got much better at this in the last few years but there's still a little way to go.

Lifestyle | How I'm Changing my Life Before I'm 30 - Rachel Emily Blog


"Live for moments you cannot put into words" 

I want to spent less on material items and possessions and more money, effort and time on making long-lasting memories. To put down my phone/camera and enjoy the sights, sounds, smells and feeling of the places I visit and give my all to the people that i'm sharing these memories with.

Lifestyle | How I'm Changing my Life Before I'm 30 - Rachel Emily Blog

Surrounding Myself with Love & Positivity

Maybe a little easier said than done again, as you never know what plot twist life has for you just around the corner but by surrounding myself with people who make my life a better place is going to be my starting point. Last November I heard some very wise words on one of the lowest days of the year:

"It's not the years in your life, it's the life in your years" 

These were the perfect words in that moment and they've stuck with me since. I want life, love and joy in my years no matter what the quantity. Again the gorgeous Verity posted a quote recently that said: 

"We are all bad in someone's story" 

At the time I was feeling low and these words alone helped me see a positive. I want more of this in my life before the big thirty.

Lifestyle | How I'm Changing my Life Before I'm 30 - Rachel Emily Blog

These 3 little mantras are how I hope to grow as a human before I turn 30 to really make the most of every opportunity.

Have you got any Mantra's you live by? Any quotes that have really helped you when you most needed them?

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* Dress from Never Fully Dressed - similar

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