Monday 20 April 2020

Fashion // Big Quarantine Giveaway

Rachel Emily in a sequin top with a large Zara online delivery parcel

It's official. My 5pm secret is out. Its a HUGE giveaway.


Sunday 19 April 2020

Fashion // Quarantine Top Zara Fashion Picks

It's day three and my bank account hates me. I just can't stop shopping.
Maybe I just feel the need to do my bit to keep the economy going in all this doom and gloom news.


Saturday 18 April 2020

Fashion // Quarantine Top H&M Fashion Picks

It turns out after yesterday's post. It's not just me feeling these quarantine shopping urges.

Friday 17 April 2020

Fashion // Quarantine Top ASOS Fashion Picks

Is it just me, or is isolation really intensifying shopping urges?

Sunday 5 April 2020

Recipe // Isolation Chocolate Banana Bread

A delicious loaf of chocolate chip banana bread loaf cut with a nice crumb

Everybody is baking banana bread.
Or so it seems.

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