Friday 17 April 2020

Fashion // Quarantine Top ASOS Fashion Picks

Is it just me, or is isolation really intensifying shopping urges?

It's strange because normally I like to go see things in the shops and feel the fabrics but isolation got me hitting 'Add to Basket' quicker than I can grab my Easter Eggs to eat.

So over the next few days I'm going to be adding in my current Top 10 picks to this post from my favourite retailers starting with ASOS.

Also something exciting is happening on Instagram on monday so make sure to follow me to find out what it is!

Quarantine Top Fashion Picks: Part 1: ASOS

Quarantine Top Fashion Picks: Part 2: ASOS

Quarantine Top Fashion Picks: Part 3: ASOS

Coming tomorrow, my top picks from H&M including a swimsuit I'm obsessed with.

Shop the Picks:

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