Thursday 27 April 2017

Beauty | How to Prep for the Best Summer Skin Ever

How to Prep for the Best Summer Skin Ever

Summer is my favourite season and my skin and hair seem to favour it too. Winter only causes dryness, blemishes and blandness from the constant change in temperatures and mechanical systems to maintain comfortable temperatures.

How to Prep for the Best Summer Skin Ever

Steam and Sauna

I use the steam room at my gym as a motivational tool to make me push harder when I'm working out. Not only does it ease my muscles but it helps me sweat out all the toxins in my skin which helps to reduce the appearance of blemishes. The heat in steam rooms and saunas increase your heart rate and circulation. Steam rooms help to remove impurities in your skin with the wet heat and the dry heat of saunas can be really great for removing blackheads.

How to Prep for the Best Summer Skin Ever


It's common knowledge that water is a key ingredient to better skin but most of us still don't drink enough. In summer with the added heat your body requires more water to stay hydrated so it's worth upping your water intake now to get into the good habit of drinking over 2 litres a day. I recently invested in a 2.2 litre bottle and I drink so much more water because I have it to hand. The only downside is that the 2.2 litre bottles are quite large and heavy when full so you can get smaller motivational bottles which indicate how much you should have drunk by the time of day.


Exfoliating your skin is the best way to remove dead skin cells and reveal the shiny glowing new ones underneath. I try and find enough time to exfoliate regularly because it is so beneficial but life doesn't always let it happen. Before a holiday though I do put in the extra effort and time to exfoliate aiming for the best summer skin ever.

How to Prep for the Best Summer Skin Ever


Now winter is over I have finally admitted defeat and tackled the fuzz on my legs. I've tried laser hair removal to not much success in the past and I cry at just the thought of waxing because I find it so painful. For me its a trusty razor and hair removal cream combo with lots of moisturising coconut oil afterwards.

Fake It

Now I am a sun-worshipper but before I go I always like to get a little head start on my tanning and fake it before I make it. I am loving the St Tropez Gradual Tan at the moment because it is really easy to apply without the risk of massive fake tan marks or that awkward biscuit smell. I prefer gradual tans over instant or spray as I can build the colour to meet my desire and it's a much more subtle way to achieve a bronzed golden goddess glow. 

How to Prep for the Best Summer Skin Ever

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What tips do you have for getting great summer skin? 

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